wong y s

wong y s

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CNY 2010

happy this ywrs cny so busy from 1 day to day 3 .still no very happy there my sis bec talk bad but i ll try to forget it, stupid.....
next time i not going to do seme thing ..............i ll go back by my self no need to so trouble to go there ....i think buy bas is better.

my 26 brtday

my 26 ys old brithday is terrible , car spoil n rain, food is no nich ever thing is terrible...
uneble to forget donnot who is unlucky me or he....
hope next yers can go uneventful.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

annur dinner

hizzz no tv liao...sad
no luck la this yers at the annur dinner......

Thursday, February 4, 2010


to day i learn about the trauma regarding the accident .now i know about the type n injury when was happen the accident.....
the life is very improtant n we need to thankfully what we have n love u family....
so drive carefully n think of u family n other ppl....
love u life....when u stll a life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


他今天打了电话給要我好好take care my self.funny i still dont understand is there so difficult to forget somebody.
其实我不想伤害他,但有些事是不能去control的。er what i can do.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

u think i dont know u very busy ma .... u know i angre bec so many time u unable to came on time .
i know also u are no happy in u new job. but what can do, when u choose to chenge to the new environment i already warning u not to change maybe is not there smooth.
now i only can emotion support u .
sorry some time i cant control my emotion......
hope u can understood.

२/ २ /२०१०इ इ नीद मोनी $$$

study one week liao..
still very happy but new yere coming n i start to depress bec no money to give to family n my self also cant buy the new yere clothes ...
i think my self very useless my 2 sis also give my mother 600 but my self RM1 also cant give to my mother......same more oweing my mam 400 n i still unable to pay...
sad i plan to go hong kong this year but bec get scolded by my father n get concering by my friend a last i cancel my hong kong dream this yere.
any way i still plan to go other place has use lest money.
depress of money ,money no enough i need money
who want give me money le..........sad