wong y s

wong y s

Thursday, December 31, 2009


To day is a first day 2010 . very fast i live in kl 7 years la .
To day still need to working n ll be last day in the opd.tomorrow ll back to wd 9 again lo.
in opd only no happy with the india staff . stupid .some of the staff attitude also have problem lo.
exp choo she think have dr yap sokong her do ever thing also no care at all.no respect ppl.
no careling .like the princess lo.but she still the good ppl.only we have a differ way thinking.
new one yere is comeing lo.he still very busy every day work until 4 5am. we no time to talk..
hope new yers can alwas happy n peacefuly sweet .

Monday, December 28, 2009

25 x mes day .

Happy in the x mes day . bec xiong present me a diamond ear ring . very happy to have A NEW ear ring bec i want change the ear ring long time arleday la . i only waiting he present me only, i wanted to change the old want as i x boy fd present me to new want.
i free very happy his acompine me shopping ( sunway) bec ll give the comment when i buy the thing.
ha very sweet thank you dear. given me a wanderful day.

24 x mes day

very happy in on the24 bec went to clubing with fd. but very stupid is happy until simplely kiss one stranger gilr .ha very evil. but still very happy there day .
2 am came back to hotel vomit until lung also came out already la.
when the car is driving i open the car window n vomit ha . very evil la.
ever time go drinking sure vomit want. no improve at all .

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

opd life

my last day in opd is a5 of january lo.now no mood to do any thing. long time naver go for my eng class .lazy to do any thing.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boring sunday

boring sunday la.
boring to do any thing eng class lazy to go ..............
my dear very busy...........
my friend all not around................
so what i can do..................

Friday, December 18, 2009


christmas is coming but sure i ll alone . his still very busy to his word la. no time.
no time....................
everday back at 4-5am ...............
how to go out.
very fast i in opd already 2 week la.still happy work there.still have 3 more week then i ll on leave until i go to study .to day i follow ambulance go to sunway hos .take 40 min to settle everthink.went there only take 15min .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

tramathology coses

Today call ms kam ask for study cosse she say comfirm already. to day i also infrom sr zurina regading this. this yers annua dinner we have chang to join also. i need to prepar for it .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

opd life

I n mok f L staff in opd .happy.

ward party!

today is wd9 party, but very sad thing is i get a stupid present.the photo frame. I THINK the price lest then RM5 .

stupid la.

unlacky lo.but i still happy attend the party lo.

Monday, December 14, 2009


IN OPD already one week + la.same thing still need to be gaide n ask .i still have 11day of the leave so maybe in opd last is 8 of janualy. + PH N DAY OFF total i have 17day off.
This few day his very busy no tima to came here also but for me i think i already get use for it.No very importen is his naver came. bec i lazy to wait n angry if his unable to came n need to wait until very late.there day his say maybe wait he 20 min but i wait he from 12.30pm until 2.30pm.so tire i wait n geting angry n angry.samemore went to his room i also cant sleep at time bec he very tire lazy to take bath n i need wait until he have mood only take bath.but bec i angry only he went.stupid la.
way i want to abuse my self le............................
so i tell my self no next time...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

happy gathering 2009 n my dear

thank to my dear to attending my gathering.

happy together la.there day my dear also attend bec finish duty early .then 2 day bec i not working i again go to PJ whit then yam cha lo.stepenie give us ever one same present. so we all have the same t ship.i like it bec is my favor colors. brack.

Friday, December 11, 2009

happy 2009 togerther.

happy gathering 2009 o!very fast 3 yrs is over last we together is 3 yrs back .but same thing a lot of food lo can finish .but i stii very happy and enjor it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

hong kong

my friend just went to HK LAST week .she say very nice there.
i plan next year go but fear no time to go.bec need to stady le.n more importent his can accompany me go to HK .

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5 day in 0pd.

in opd 5 day lio!!happy working there bec in opd stff more is very friendly.i know some time the dr is very fasi but so far stll ok la.yesterday went n see sr le talk a lot the study PPUM my trama coses. she ll give the note about last time she study .

Monday, December 7, 2009

2 day in opd .still need to learn a lot of the thing...happy or not ! i think need to take a bit more time to mist whit then.